Sunday, 3 July 2011

Day 88

Crickey - nothing for days then 2 days running - just like the buses someone said in passing - as I don't know what a bus is - I will have to take their word for it - obviously it means something to you humans that us intelligent birds miss!!!!

Its been another long hot sunny day here in Hull and Gizmo and I have spent it out in the garden, not on our own I hasten to add!!!

Layton stayed over last night and today he and mum were busy cleaning out the ferret hutches - I was so close to those hutches - and oh how I hoped either Layton would be a good boy and bring one to me - or the hutch would be left open so the ferret would escape - my mouth waters even now just thinking about it - I have to say - it didn't happen - Layton was extremely careful both with the animals and securing their hutches!!! Maybe next time then....

So with the work all done the garden chairs were positioned to catch the most sun and then out came all the toys for Layton - he has what I can only describe as a monster truck - its a huge great yellow thing - and he shows all the signs of road rage when charging up and down the garden path - Gizmo and I look like we are cats watching a tennis game as our heads go this way ad that watching him zoom past - so close that our feathers fan in the draft - ok so that's a big exaggeration

That is about all the news for today - unless you are interested in Kai - he did a Hawk Walk today for some people and we were told he was really good and performed to perfection for the crowd - so well done to Kai!!!

See you next time....

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