And guess what - all the piccies today are of me with my dad!! Not that is soooo unusual as he really isnt that bothered with photos - but when mum said something about same old photos day after day he scooped me up and mum began snapping away and got some pretty good action snaps....what do you think to these then.....
Ahhh dont I just look cute? Who can resist such a cute soft fluffly ball like me???
Dad was nipping me to make me flap my wings I reckon cos no matter how mum coaxes me I never flap like that for her - but however or whatever he did. the photos look pretty good - and it made dad smile which is a huge bonus!!
And this last photo tickled my mum - she was giggling and said she could imagine me saying something like - Bombs away - and fleeing from dads shoulder!!! Dad said mum was silly cos I was more likely to be saying " I want to be free" slight exageration in the text there - he didnt say it - he sung it as its the start of the fab Queen song.....
Other than that - its been a same old same old day - oh almost forgot - mum suddenly announced she is having a baby!!! If you had only seen my face - I was rather put out I can tel you - and more so when she explained it was a baby Tawny Owl not a human crying pain in the butt baby!!!! Can you believe they want to bring another baby into the house - dont she think she has enough to do as it is??? I think we are all going to collect it tomorrow afternoon - just hope I dont end up with my beak pushed out as mum has always spent so much time on and with me - will it ever be the same again...sob sob xxx
Great piccies!!!!