Another long and uneventful day...
Is this how I can expect my life to be from now on I wonder?
Oh I hope not!!! I was weighed and fed then put out in the garden this morning along with Gizmo & Kai
Children spotted us and spent a lot of time looking through the gaps in the gate and calling out to us all - have to say we loved the attention but played it down a bit - sometimes we would look their way and others we would act as though we didnt know they were there - the kids seemed to love it and would whisper as though we didnt know what they were saying - we all know what kids whispering is like dont we??
Dad had a friend round late afternoon and he has a great interest in owls too - in fact I did over hear him telling dad he is hoping to have his own young Barn Owl tomorrow - I wonder if he and his family will be as excited by one as my family were - and still are!!
I still get lots of loving, strokes, cuddles and talking to even though I am now grown up - I no longer have any fluffy down and my wings and talons are good and strong!
Today I had a few short flights to dad again for food - its quite good getting that freedom and the look of joy on dads face when I do it right first time is great!! He knows he is doing a great job but when the training flights go to plan he is buzzing and knows its all worth while!
Sadly no photos today - mum has been out and about all day long and then this evening as I was outside it wasnt really bright enough for photography - plus think mum had her lazy head on which didnt help!!!
So for day 62 - its over - I wonder what day 63 will have in store for me.,....
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